S.O.G. No.: 01-028

Revision: Apr. 2007

Effective Date: Dec. 2006


1.1 To provide and acquaint all members with the policies and procedures on the use of ropes, harnesses and hardware.

    1. 2.1  Current edition of the National Fire Protection Association’s 1983, Standard on Life Safety Rope and System Components.
    2. 2.2  Current edition of the National Fire Protection Association’s 1561, Standard on Fire Department Incident Management System.

3.1 The department will provide members with proper training and education in the accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M (effective February 1995).


  1. 4.1  The department members will be fully trained in the care and use of the ropes, harnesses and hardware available for their use.
  2. 4.2  The department members will use rope as their life safety rope meeting NFPA 1983.
  3. 4.3  The department members will use proper care at all times to avoid damaging the rope. Members should avoid sharp bends and edges, rough surfaces, contact with chemicals, excessive heat, standing on a rope, and prolonged exposure to sunlight. There will be absolutely no smoking near any life safety equipment.
  4. 4.4  The department members will be fully trained in the inspection and maintenance of the ropes, harnesses and hardware available for their use. Ropes shall be inspected quarterly and after each use.
  5. 4.5  Ropes, harnesses and hardware will be used and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. A maintenance and inspection program shall be established for ropes, harnesses and hardware. Specific responsibilities shall be assigned for maintenance and inspection.
  1. 4.6  A rope history log will be maintained on each life safety rope, (see appendix A). This log will record rope usage and periodic inspections. Information to be recorded includes date, rope condition, type of use, and inspector’s name.
  2. 4.7  Ropes, harnesses and hardware will be cleaned according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  3. 4.8  Ropes, harnesses and hardware will meet the requirements of NFPA 1983, “Standard on Fire Service Life Safety Rope and System Components,” 1995 edition.
  4. 4.9  Life safety ropes may be considered for reuse if ALL of the following conditions are met: (Rope may be used for training purposes only).
    1. The rope has not been visibly damaged.
    2. The rope has not been exposed to heat, direct flame, impingement, or abrasion.
    3. The rope has not been subjected to an impact load.
    4. The rope has not been exposed to any form of chemical or other material that may deteriorate the rope.
    5. The rope passes an inspection following the procedures outlined in NFPA 1983, “Standard on Fire Service Life Safety Rope and System Components,” 1995 edition.
  5. 4.10  The department members who are engaged in or exposed to high angle rescue techniques will as a minimum wear the following protective clothing: helmets which meet NFPA 1972, be approved by ANSI or OSHA; gloves (leather palm – minimum), boots (steal toe preferred) offering suitable protection to the feet, and the appropriate eye protection (ANSI approved safety glasses).
  6. 4.11  The department members will wear all the protective clothing at all times when involved in, or exposed to the hazards of high angle rescue techniques or in the hazardous area at an emergency scene.
  1. 4.12  Any department member that purchases their own ropes, harnesses or hardware, will only be allowed to use such ropes, harnesses or hardware if it meets the standards set forth in these procedures. Personal equipment must be approved by the Chief of the Department prior to use as stated in personal equipment SOG.
  2. 4.13  The department will provide training for implementing an Incident Command System (ICS) for rope rescue incidents that meets the requirements of NFPA 1561, “Standard on Fire Department Incident Management Systems.” Note: Reference Chapter 19, Incident Command Standard Operating Guideline.
  3. 4.14  The department will provide training for recognizing the difference between a “Rescue” and a “Recovery” as it relates to rope rescue incidents, and members performing rope rescue will be required to complete it.
  4. 4.15  The fire department and/or rescue squad will provide training in the procedures to identify and control hazards, and procedures for making the general area safe and associated with the actual entry and rescue from elevated man made and natural structures as it relates to rope rescue incidents, and members performing rope rescue will be required to complete it.
  5. 4.16  At rope rescue incidents, the incident commander will assign a safety officer with specific responsibility for the identification, the evaluation, and when possible, the correction of hazardous conditions and unsafe practices. (Note: The safety officer who checks a system may not be the individual who built the system).

Appendix A

Manufacturer: _____________________________________________

Purchased from: ____________________________________________

Purchase Date: _____________________________________________

Date in service: ______________________________________________

Equipment type: _____________________________________________

Identifying numbers:__________________________________________

Identifying color and markings: _________________________________

Date used: __________________________________________________

Incident location: _____________________________________________

Type of use:__________________________________________________

Date inspected: _______________________________________________

Inspector’s Name: _____________________________________________